#RapeJokes vs #FreeSpeech

Source: http://nekozneko.deviantart.com/

Source: http://nekozneko.deviantart.com/

Just had a friend post this on her facebook and I swear to god it is the most #KoolAid-Guzzling thing I have seen all week.  So I had to respond.


You just went full on Simmons with this one.  Lvl 10 Simmons*.

I understand the seriousness of the subject matter here and I understand it deserves a level of respect.

But you are promoting the idea of being small minded and wanting restriction of speech especially one of the most powerful forms:  Humor.

Humor and comedy has been one of the most powerful tools of humanity.  It can be used to break down walls of hate and fear and this subject at the core of it is mostly fear, the fear of taking one of the most intimate things in humanity and violating it so completely.

Just in my limited lifetime, I have witnessed comedy used to break down racism, sexism and other Isms.  Why?  Because when a human is laughing and in a good mood, it can allow that person to look at something scary and process it in a new light.  It can allow people to look at an issue from another point of view.  It can help express fears of others without the need to directly experience the fears.  It can build a respect for the fear without being crippled by it.

Humor like everything in life needs to be judged on an individual basis.  There are going to be jokes that suck and are crass.  There are going to be jokes that are going to be shocking and cringe-worthy.  These may land deep enough to make people take more time process and in the end make them more sympathetic to the issue.  There are going to be some jokes that are just simply hilarious.

There are going to be some comedians that need to be reminded of the seriousness of the subject.  There are going to be some comedians that need to be commended when they help the subject.

Remember no two people are ever going to agree all the time, but the freedom of speech is at the core of importance.  But when someone comes down to the point of using the word “All”, they are walking into a dangerous place.  Terms likes “All” and “Never” are rarely ever true.  There are always going to be exceptions to every supposed rule.  Judge each situation individually.  Consider the source of the ideas.  Consider the source of the information.

One last thing to point out: in my rant here, I never used the term rape.  Why?  Because this ideal I am sharing here can be applied to anything that is based in fear or hate.  Racism, Sexism, Arachnophobia, Terrorism, Coulrophobia, Geneticism or Traumatophobia.

Sometimes laughing at a fear is the only way you can win over the fear.”

I am so tired of the war on free speech.  There is plenty in the nation that I hate hearing.  I would love to hush up the likes of Kim K. and similar, but I don’t dare go to the point to attempt to remove their freedoms from them.  Anytime you remove the freedoms from another unjustly, we are all in danger.

*Simmons is the name of a friend in common that tends to post bigoted single minded views on social media sites.rpg mobil

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#StandYourGround and #Funts


Funt – noun

A person that hides behind feminism ideals to ultimately be truly a cunt about life and interactions with others.

A Funt to a feminist is like a square to a rectangle.  Not all feminists are funts.  Funts are a very special breed.  They are the extremely vocal in your face screaming death to all men types.  Funts are special form of asshole.  Remember what do we do with assholes?  Balance the ideas of standing your ground, using your firm voice and knowing when to walk away.

Lately, it has been seen that the Funts and the breed of men that purposely use #NotallMen as a shield (name soon to be created) have been screaming at the top of their internet lungs.  I would love to will them all a Boot to the Head.  Since I am a guy, I am going to address the men here.  Stop it.  We don’t have to prove anything to these assholes.  Have you harmed anyone?  Yes you have.  Every human has harmed another.  But have you harmed people the way the funt assholes claim, very doubtful.  We are not at fault just because we exist.  Don’t fucking believe that.  Be proud of yourself.  Know your strengths and weaknesses.  Fix what you can, help where you can.

Why are these assholes attacking us, because they want power not equality.  Equality is a balance of the extremes.  They are an extreme not the balance.   They are not enemy in the end.  The enemy is within every human and normally it is the fear of the unknown, the fear of something different.

But I know the what truly is the fear of a funt, a calm firm no.  No has power.  No must be listen too.  The No must be said to the extremes.  Balance is what we need.  Extremes will never last.реклама на билбордах ценаdetskiy-dom.kh.ua

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One must voice their frustrations.  The more calm and clear the explanation of the frustrations, the better everything will be.  It may not be better right away.  It could lead to huge conflicts actually in the short term.

Everyone needs to figure out their method to voice frustration.  It could be talking with a therapist.  It could be talking over beers with a friend.  It could be sitting in nature and allowing yourself the time to process your own thoughts.  It could be typing on a keyboard in a coffee shop using lots of vulgar language.  Everyday you will find things that you adore and things that will grind you to down to bare metal.

Often, when you voice frustrations you are going to be breaking the Don’t be a Dick rule.  Sometimes when frustrated, you are going to be passionate and emotional.  You are going to be angry and often will be crass over things.  This is understandable to a point.  But, consider where you are vocalizing your frustrations.  Screaming out into a public venue is just going to make you look foolish, really no different from standing on a corner with a huge sign with an aborted fetus or some protest how people are going to hell.  Now remember, social media anymore is a public space.  So we must have another battle of balance here too.  Are you vocalizing this frustration on Facebook to everyone or are you doing it on a blog that is clearly a limited audience?

The more public your voicing of frustrations the more open you are going to be for criticism.  Everyone is a critic, even you.  Also remember that old adage, opinions are like assholes; everyone has one.  Now remember what we do with assholes, you don’t engage them until it is truly needed.  Choose the battles wisely.

Also, criticism is normally just an annoyance not harassment nor abuse.  People can voice their opinion.  They can be as loud as they like.  It is an annoyance.  It sucks to know that other people think you are wrong and stupid, but that is life.  You are always going to be stupid to someone else.  When dealing with criticism, remember to know when to stand your ground, when to use your firm voice and when to walk away.

Find a way to process your frustrations.  When you do, you will find truly trying times are much more manageable as you have the energy and brain power to actually deal because you aren’t wasting it on frustrations that often nothing truly out to harm you in life.mailhackerсумки для macbook pro 13

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So this is sometimes a struggle everyday, but it is one that I think many more need to endeavor to achieve.  Don’t be a Dick!  It is just a current rehash of the golden rule I know.  But it is colorful for my generation and something that needs to be use in real life and in the online world.  Wil Wheaton brought it to the forefront of the internet nearly a decade ago in the realm of online gaming but I think it needs to be even more so used in real life.

Nearly every strife for equality is a battle of this rule.  Equality of the sexes….don’t be a dick.  Equality of sexualities….don’t be a dick.  Equality of races….don’t be a dick.  Attempt to give every desire for your own life to others until they prove themselves to be truly an asshole.  If others are assholes, then they don’t deserve your attention or care.

When dealing with an asshole though comes the real battle of Don’t be a Dick.  Even at this point, you must attempt not to be a Dick.  Wasting your energy on an asshole is worthless 99.6% of the time.  I have found it much better to stand your ground when dealing with an asshole.  Assholes usually want attention.  Assholes usually want to make themselves the most important person in the room.  By standing your ground, you can effectively ignore the asshole, depriving them what they want the most.  But at the same time, you are not giving away yourself.  You don’t need to be lesser when dealing with an asshole.  You also don’t need to attack to make yourself look bigger to the asshole.  Often when you attack, you are on the losing path of becoming the asshole yourself.

You don’t need to prove yourself to be right when you know you are right.  Usually, a calm statement of proof will win out over the screaming ranting asshole standing in front of you.  You will NOT win over the asshole, no.  You will win by not being the Dick.  This isn’t a battle of you vs them.  It is a battle of you vs you.

In life, I have learned that you are the only person you have to please and be happy with in the long term.  People come and go in life.  Sometimes good, sometimes bad.  It is how life works.  Working to not be a Dick within your relationships means they are positive and were worthwhile even though if they ended.

The second most battle of the Don’t be a Dick is the balance of Self vs Others when not in a conflict.  Knowing when to stand your ground, being calm and collected vs Knowing when to use your Firm Voice vs Knowing when to walk away, these three things are the juggling act that humanity must attempt.  Don’t give up and allow others to belittle you.  Don’t allow them to take away your sense of self or power.  Going on the attack is not always powerful in the long term.  But know when you need to speak up.  Don’t waver.  Stand your ground.  Speak your mind, ideas and ideals.  But then also know when to walk away either due to dealing with someone that will never change or to know to walk away, reassess and improve yourself when you find yourself in fault.   Yes, you will be at fault at times.  You will be wrong.  But guess what, everyone is from time to time.  Only a fool thinks they are perfect.  Listen to the other side.  Remember that equality is a balance between the two extremes.

So wake up.  Be proud of yourself.  Learn and Grow.  Don’t be a Dick._gamesmmo online para mobiles

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Oh my fucking god, I get it is election day here in the US of A and all, but tap dancing christ it is the only thing that people seem to be able to talk about on social media.

I don’t fucking care, honestly I bet no one fucking cares if anyone else voted really.

Now I believe in the need to vote and the desire to attempt to make the world a better place locally and afar.  But seriously, it would be fucking better to see people talking about voting for the last few weeks about what matters to them and why they think something should be voted in.  You know starting a discussion.  No what we see is people just saying me too, me too.  Aren’t I special I voted too?

Fuck y’all…..I will be happy to see this disappear with the political ads.racer download

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Something that more people need to remember is that numbers though absolute can be use to lie by humans.  Figuring out how to cut them, how to use them, how to display them all play into making the numbers lie.  Most of us were taught in school how numbers are solid and concrete things in the world.  It is this belief that people use to make it seem what they are saying is truth.  When any group is attempting to make something seem real, dig deeper to see where the data and numbers came from it can be amazing what truth you will really find.

Here is an article that starts to display how numbers can be used to lie.

http://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2013/08/08/6-ways-numbers-can-lie-to-us/    [pdf]

I also would like to suggest a viewing of the Penn & Teller Bullshit episode “Numbers”  Season 04 Episode 09

It is currently available on Amazon.

Everyday, we run into someone telling us how something is true and then uses a number to back them up but just how true is it?  Always be questioning the source.как раскрутить свой бизнессайт

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It is time for rational thought to return to humanity.

As the world is quickly becoming small due to both population and the power of the internet, people need to remember that being annoyed by another human isn’t abuse.

Just because someone made fish in the microwave in the breakroom, it isn’t abusing you.online game for mobile

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