
One must voice their frustrations.  The more calm and clear the explanation of the frustrations, the better everything will be.  It may not be better right away.  It could lead to huge conflicts actually in the short term.

Everyone needs to figure out their method to voice frustration.  It could be talking with a therapist.  It could be talking over beers with a friend.  It could be sitting in nature and allowing yourself the time to process your own thoughts.  It could be typing on a keyboard in a coffee shop using lots of vulgar language.  Everyday you will find things that you adore and things that will grind you to down to bare metal.

Often, when you voice frustrations you are going to be breaking the Don’t be a Dick rule.  Sometimes when frustrated, you are going to be passionate and emotional.  You are going to be angry and often will be crass over things.  This is understandable to a point.  But, consider where you are vocalizing your frustrations.  Screaming out into a public venue is just going to make you look foolish, really no different from standing on a corner with a huge sign with an aborted fetus or some protest how people are going to hell.  Now remember, social media anymore is a public space.  So we must have another battle of balance here too.  Are you vocalizing this frustration on Facebook to everyone or are you doing it on a blog that is clearly a limited audience?

The more public your voicing of frustrations the more open you are going to be for criticism.  Everyone is a critic, even you.  Also remember that old adage, opinions are like assholes; everyone has one.  Now remember what we do with assholes, you don’t engage them until it is truly needed.  Choose the battles wisely.

Also, criticism is normally just an annoyance not harassment nor abuse.  People can voice their opinion.  They can be as loud as they like.  It is an annoyance.  It sucks to know that other people think you are wrong and stupid, but that is life.  You are always going to be stupid to someone else.  When dealing with criticism, remember to know when to stand your ground, when to use your firm voice and when to walk away.

Find a way to process your frustrations.  When you do, you will find truly trying times are much more manageable as you have the energy and brain power to actually deal because you aren’t wasting it on frustrations that often nothing truly out to harm you in life.mailhackerсумки для macbook pro 13

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